Did you know that visiting Masai Mara National reserve in Kenya is a journey of lifetime?

The Masai Mara national reserve is the most Kenyan lifetime adventure and this is because of vast savannahs teaming up with wildlife, breathtaking landscapes and great migration of wildebeest, it offers experiences that are timeless and awe-inspiring. Visiting Mara reserve gives you a chance to witness one of the wonders in the world.

Hot air balloon safari is one of the major activities in Mara reserve and offers one of the most biodiversity ecosystem in Africa. As the Balloon ascends gently in air, the expansive plains of Mara unfolds below giving an aerial view of the surrounding. Wildlife such as prides of lions, herds of elephants and buffalos, wildebeest migrating and more of the birds beside you in air.

This experience begins in the morning at sunrise as the Balloon inflates and the sky turns from deep navy to the warm hues of down. Boarding the basket as you feel the rush of excitement and anticipation as the crew explain nature in all aspects. On landing after 1 hour, for those who drink alcohol, will be given a glass of Champaign and for those who don’t drink alcohol, a glass of juice will be offered.

The experience is done in the morning because of the cooler temperatures and calm winds creates ideal fly conditions for the balloon. Also early morning hours, are when most 9f the wildlife are active and this provides the best chances for sighting. By the time the experience is getting over, the wild animals can be hiding under the tree shades due to sunshine. There is less disturbance of the environment with hot air ballooning tour in a way that there isn’t noise pollution and the height of 300 to 600 meters above the level.  The altitude varies depending on the weather conditions and desired view of the landscape and wildlife.

Mostly, hot air ballooning tours are combined with game drives which brings a close encounter with the wild. This is because from the lodge to the starting point of the ballooning safari, there is a quite long distance. This rewards you a chance to spot animals like elephants, zebras, giraffes, lions, leopards, cheetahs, buffalos, duikers, dik dik and more.

Also, after hot air ballooning safari, take part in community tour to the Masai Village where you get a chance to explore the beautiful unique culture in Africa of pastoralist that live together with wild animals in the reserve. The Masai people are believed to be the early inhabitants of the reserve and due to conservation practices, they were evicted. Visiting their homesteads is amazing as you encounter storytelling, music dance and drama, taste on their dishes, and enjoy their dressing attire and more.

Best time to take part in Hot air ballooning safari in Masai Mara

As you know that hot air ballooning safari is possible but the best time to engage in hot air ballooning safari is generally in the dry season that is the June to October the months for the great migration of wildebeests together with zebras and gazelles. December to February is another great time when the sun is high as the Wild animals tend to be searching for water at different Rivers in the reserve. The wet season that occurs in October to November and March to May makes the landscape lush and green hence great food for the grazers.

A hot air ballooning safari in Masai Mara is more than just a thrilling adventure, it’s a transformative experience. Flying above 9ne of the remarkable landscape on earth makes you appreciate the beauty and fragility of the natural world. Either you searching for the wildlife or you want to witness the annual wildebeest in style, hot air ballooning tour is unforgettable journey that will leave you with memories and stories to share for a lifetime.

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