Mount Kilimanjaro is located in Tanzania known to be the tallest in Africa standing at 5895 meters above the sea level near the border of Kenya. It is also the world’s free-standing mountain hence dormant Volcano offering a great scenic view but also the most sought after destination for hikers and adventurers.

Many hikers enjoy this experience of hiking Mt Kilimanjaro since it presents the ultimate personal challenge, the trek through a unique ecosystem, challenging terrain and breathtaking landscapes. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced hiker, Mount Kilimanjaro offers the best and most unforgettable hiking adventure.

The attraction of Kilimanjaro lies not only on the height but also in its accessibility and this makes it one of a few high-altitude summits that can be conquered without technical hiking skills. This means that you don’t need special equipment such are ropes, harnesses and this makes Kilimanjaro Mountain to be described as walkable mountain hence calling all hiker at all levels from first timers to seasoned hikers.

Mount Kilimanjaro has five district ecological zones making one of the most striking features of the mountain and these are the lower slopes, rainforest, moorland, alpine desert and the arctic summit zone. As you hike from the lower zone to the upper zone, the landscape transforms dramatically. The journey begins in the lush forested area with primates and birds, through the barren rocky areas and finally to the summit covered with snow which will prove that the higher you go, the cooler it becomes.

Trekking routes.

There are different routes used to hiking Mount Kilimanjaro to the summit and each provides a different level of difficulty, scenery and success rate. The most common routes are the Machame route and Marangu route.

Marangu route which is also known as the Coca-Cola route is the easiest and most direct route. It’s the only route that offers hut accommodation making it the best option for those seeking comfort. We recommend beginners, elders and less privileged travellers to use this route. While using this route, only 5 to 6 days can be spend for a complete circuit. Spending 6 days helps you to have an extra day of acclimatization at Horombo hut.

Machame route also known as the whisky route is the hardest and most common and popular route used in hiking Mt Kilimanjaro. This route offers a longer and more gradual ascent, allowing for better acclimatization and coquetry a higher success rate. The route takes you through different zones from forested areas to the snowcapped summit. Hiking to the summit using this route takes 6 to 7 days.

Lemosho route is considered the longest route but most beautiful route. It gives a great panoramic view of the surrounding and crosses diverse ecosystems. This route takes about 7 to 8 days and this allows ample time for acclimatization which improves summit success.

Rongai route is the less crowded route of all the routes in Kilimanjaro. It’s located in the north of Mt Kilimanjaro. It offers a gently ascent and the best route during the rainy season but less scenic compared to Machame route and Lemosho route.

When to hike Mount Kilimanjaro

Mount Kilimanjaro can be hiked anytime of the year depending on your availability in Africa. For those who prefer to hike in less crowded and in the rain y season 9f March to May and September to November, chose Rongai route. For the best hiking experience, take hiking in the dry season of June to August and December to February. During this time, explore the best of the blue skies, making the trek more enjoyable and increases high chances for a successful summit achievement.

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro is a lifetime adventure blending natural beauty with physical challenging and personal growth. All you need to book with us a climbing safari to Kilimanjaro in Tanzania we create memories together.

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