The great wildebeest migration is one of the most iconic wildlife phenomena in the world offering an ewe-inspiring spectacle of millions of wildebeest, thousands of zebras and gazelles as they begin their movement to and from Masai Mara of Kenya. The northern part of Tanzania play a big role in the migration and hosts some of the dramatic moments.

From the expensive plains of Serengeti National Park to the dramatic Mara river crossings, Tanzania offers the best spotting point to witness the world’s wonder in form of mass migration of mammals. The great migration of wildebeest is a continuous loop of movement primarily driver by the presence of food and water. The complete circuit covers about 2900 kilometres and comprised of different phases such as grazing, calving, river crossings and dangerous encounter with predator such as crocodiles, lions, leopards, cheetahs and more.

Wildebeest migration normally take place in Serengeti national park. This is one of the iconic places in Africa acting as a wildlife sanctuary offering unforgettable experience. The park is located in the northern Tanzania and a world heritage site expanding for 14750 square kilometers. This park is comprised of savannah areas, swampy areas and Rivers such as river Grumeti and River Mara. These are sources of water to wildlife including mammals and birds. Different activities take place here to enjoy the wild such as game drives, guided nature walks, hot air ballooning, bird watching and many more others.

We normally combine our migration safari in Serengeti national park with visiting the Ngorongoro crater area. This unique and UNESCO World Heritage site offers travellers a unique wildlife viewing. You won’t be disappointed on your safari to Ngorongoro. We normally dedicate a 5 hours game drive through this endless plains. Enjoy a large volcanic caldera including wild animals like herds of elephants, buffalos, impalas, giraffes, wildebeest, zebras, warthog, duikers, leopards and more.

Tarangire national park also in Northern Tanzania is a great hub for wildebeest migration where you get to witness migration of wildebeest, gazelles and zebras in thousands of number. It’s not part of great migration but it supports mini-migration during the dry season. Animals move to search for water and Tarangire River becomes the main source of water for wild animals. Animals in this park are thousands of zebras, wildebeests, gazelles, buffalos, elephants, lions, cheetahs, leopards and more. As the grazers gather on water sources, the predators begin to enjoy as they grab them.

When to go for migration safari in Tanzania

For the travellers interested in witnessing the annual wildebeest migration in Northern Tanzania, timing is what can give you what you really desire. The most dramatic moment to witness the annual wildebeest migration is July to October. During these months, herds can be found in the northern plains of Serengeti national park particularly around the Kagatende and Lamei area. Witnessing the migration is done in two ways that is; through game drive or hot air ballooning safaris.

The best way is game drive since it maintains the environment impact to the wild animals. For the case of hot air ballooning, this gives a great aerial view of the surrounding below. Flying at over the Serengeti plains at sunrise and the wildebeest migrating beneath the basket creates everlasting memories for a lifetime.

Planning your safari carefully and choosing the right time with an aim of witnessing the great wildebeest migration will enhance your adventure that will ensure you make the most incredible display. We are here to turn your expectations into realities, all you need is to contact us today and we planned the best and memorable safari to the Northern Tanzania to witness the great migration.

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