There are certain aspects to consider when planning for a gorilla safari in Uganda today. The most important of all is your budget and how you plan to spend the money in Uganda during your Gorilla safari. However for a successful plan for the tour, you will need a successful well known Tour Operator to help you plan for a successful trip. You will have to consider where you will be tracking mountain Gorillas from, Uganda has got two National Parks in Which Gorilla tracking can be done. These include Bwindi Impenetrable National park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. You will have an amazing Gorilla trekking experience in Uganda today. In this article, we are going to look at the different things to consider before the activity of Gorilla tracking in Uganda.

Here is how you plan a Gorilla Safari to Uganda

  • Professional Tour Operator

While selecting the tour operator for the gorilla trekking in Uganda, the companies, which have been in business for quite a while more preferred and should possess good feedback from the customers. Check for those operators who are accredited members with the Uganda Tourism Board and members of such organizations as the AUTO. Make sure that they are able to provide well-chosen programs, permits for the gorilla trekking, professional guide and accommodation. Check their level of responsibility regarding the tourist responsibilities such as; sustainable tourism and conservation. Availability of transport, accurate and understandable price estimates, and all-inclusive prices for transport, meals and activities will contribute to providing the visitors with a fantastic experience during Uganda’s incredible national parks.

  • Gorilla Permit Prices

When planning for a gorilla adventure, it is much more important to communicate with the local Tour Operator who is planning for you the trip to forward you with the accurate Gorilla trekking prices. For the foreign Non Residents (FNR) a gorilla trekking permit costs 800$USD per person per trek a day. Foreign Residents (FR) 700 USD per person per trek. The Rest of Africa (RA) pay 500$USD per person and the East African Citizens that is to say Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, and Tanzania are supposed to pay Uganda shillings 300,000Ugx. The prices are payable directly to tour operators who purchase the permits on behalf of the clients. The prices of Gorilla Permits have been revised and the ones listed above are the current prices of 2024-2026.

There is also Gorilla habituation experience which where clients are given more time and get up close to the mountain Gorillas. The prices for the Habituation experience are a bit higher than those for Gorillas tracking in Uganda. Foreign Non Residents (FNR), the habituation permit costs 1,500 USD$ Dollars per person per Trek. The Foreign Residents (FR) costs 1000 USD$ per person per trek. The East African Citizen pay Ugx 750,000 per person per trek. The rest of Africa Gorilla permit Costs 1000 USD$ per person per trek. The prices were effective 1st July 2024. The habituation experience will involve spending a minimum of 4 hours with the Gorillas. You are normally handed a team of Guides together with the porters who help you as you try to enjoy your Gorilla trekking and Habituation experience.

  • Accommodation Budget

On accommodation, Uganda has various types depending on one’s choice as well as the budget of his or her planned gorilla trip. For those who are interested in booking luxurious accommodation in Bwindi, there are splendid lodges including Sanctuary Gorilla Forest Camp, Buhoma Lodge, while those who are interested in cheaper accommodation can get accommodated in Nkuringo Gorilla Camp, and Rushaga Gorilla Camp among others. While the vast majority of visitors to the area seek simple lodgings offering such amenities as an en suite bathroom, good food and excellent views of the forests, this area also caters for more luxurious tastes where the above mentioned plus such standards as ensuites and exquisite gourmet meals are available. Besides, many lodges also provide guided tour, and cultural visits, and recreation in some peaceful backgrounds hence making the gorilla trekking to be interesting and rewarding.

About Bwindi Impenetrable National for Gorilla trekking

Mountain gorillas which is among the world’s most endangered species is found in nearly half of its population in the park, this makes it one of the best parks for wildlife entertaining. Tourists can climb the steep slopes, go through the thick green forest adorned with mists and virtually see gorillas with their own eyes: such disciplines as the relation of human beings to each other. Yes at times it could be tiring but due to lot of vegetation covering areas and steep hilly terrain, one has to walk through it, it is worth the view. I believed it is a marvelous and exciting experience, which gives a probability to feel the touch of nature and enlarge acquaintance with these fantastic calming animals and feel the concern towards them. Brief professional guides and trackers to lead the participants on the tracking exercise and also provide information on the gorillas as well as the area. In addition to gorilla tracking, Bwindi forest has other related tourism like bird watching, watching other things like butterflies and other mammals. In addition to supporting the conservation causes here in Tanzania, this adventure has the advantages of enhancing the stocks of welfare of the people within and around the park; and therefore this is the right form of traveling.

About Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

Hiking is one of the memorable experiences that anybody can have when on a visit to Mgahinga Gorilla National Park especially when getting an opportunity to have a closer view of the mountain gorillas. It is located in the converging frontier of Uganda Rwanda and DR Congo in the part of Southwest Uganda, this park belongs to Virunga conservancy region that stretches and covers three countries. This park is among the most famous for the vegetation cover, and gorgeous hills enshrouded with mists. While tracking the gorillas the client is guided by professionals who share great information about the gorillas and their territory. It was understood that the hike at times can be very challenging with steep path and at times there could be a lot of undergrowth but the view that one gets to see is worth it. Staying with a gorilla family following their every move and being close to them is such a privilege and anticipation. Nyakagezi is one of the gorilla groups in the park for which it is comparatively easier to track, thereby implying a higher chance of an encounter. Besides the gorillas, Mgahinga has great visibility of the volcanic areas, golden monkeys and birds. Mgahinga has a huge impact with Tourism, you are able to have a trek through the gorillas and at the same time you are contributing towards the conservation and people of southern Uganda and Rwanda since they rely much on the Ecotourism.

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