Karamoja region is located in the northeastern parts of Uganda and comprises or comprisesseven different districts. Some of these districts include Moroto, Abim, Nakapiripirirt, Napak, Amudat, Kaabong, and Kotido which cover an area of about 27,528km, with a population of about 1.4 million people settling there.

History of Karamoja region
The people from the Karamoja region are known as Karamojongs and are believed to have originated from Abyssinia between the 1700s and 1600s. Karamoja region was once ruled by the British from 1916 to 1962. Karamoja as a region was once ruled by the British colonialists from 1916 to 1962, during this period of British rule the Karamoja region was under lockdown, and free movement of people and their goods was restricted. During the Idi Amin era, the Karamojongs were always humiliated and suppressed. After Amin’s era in the 1980s, the armies of the government of Amin were abandoned and the Karamojongs got access to them. This led to inter terrible wars between the Karamojongs which lasted for about 30 years and were brought to a stop by the UPDF (Uganda People’s Defense) in 2011.
Karamoja region was also stricken with famine in the 1980s and this prolonged famine resulted in the death of many people, approximately 21% of the population in the region died due to hunger. Since that day different organizations have come on board to help kick out famine in the Karamoja region by donating foodstuff and other necessities to the Karamoja region.
What do the Karamojong people feed on?
The people in the region of Karamoja mostly feed on fresh cow milk, fresh beef, and cow blood which they take as their steeple food.
What is the origin of the Karamojongs?
The Karamojong people are believed to have originated from Nyangatom of Ethiopia who happen to be their descendants and migrated southwards in search of greener pastures for their cattle. Karamojongs are well known for their resistance to new lifestyles and policies and love for their cattle.
Lifestyle of the Karamojong people
Karamojongs are the people who live in the Karamoja region and are believed to be Nilotic ethnic groups and agropastoral herders found in the northeastern part of Uganda. Karamojongs are nomadicpastoralists who move with their large number of cattle looking for greener pastures in new places. Karamojong men are known for neglecting their families and grazing cattle as their day-to-day activity. After getting a wife, they can tend to leave the old wife and children when they see it as a heavy load to take in and get a new wife. Karamojongs women are strong and hard-working women who work hard to provide for their families, unlike the men. The Karamojongs live in community homes known as Manyattas made with local materials such as mud, grass, and cow dung. Cattle wrestling is also a common thing amongst the Karamojongs where cattle raiders come and steal other people’s cattle.
Why you should consider visiting the Karamoja region in Uganda?
Despite the fact in the past that the Karamoja region was considered to be one of the unsafe regions to visit in Uganda. As time went on the government of Uganda went ahead and made sure that this region became safe for all people to visit. With the help of the UPDF (Uganda People’s Defense Force), the rebels in this region were swept out and the region became peaceful like never before. Tourists from all over the world visit Karamoja region year in and year out. Some of the things or attractions in the Karamoja region that attract these tourists include the following,
The culture of Karamoja
Karamojongs culture is one of the things that are worth exploring, seeing, or experiencing on your Uganda safari. During this cultural experience in Karamoja, you will be able to witness the cultural dances of the Karamojongs where they will dance while jumping up and down while singing. You will also listen to the stories being told by the elders of the region about their culture, norms, and customs.
Food in Karamoja region
The staple food for the Karamojongs will blow your mind away since it is not the common food that you are used to. Since they are very much cattle owners and lovers, also their staple food is based much more on cattle. Blood and milk are their staple food and during your visit to the region, you will get a chance to witness how their food is prepared and if interested you can also test.
Region/ community tours
Karamoja as a region is a very wide and interesting place to visit with many regions having different attractions to explore and people to interact with.
Visiting Pian Upe in Karamoja region
Pian Upe is one of the tourist destinations located in the Karamoja region in northeastern Uganda, Pian Upe happens to be that less crowded destination in Uganda where you can spot different wildlife animals without distractions. Different animals like buffaloes, hyenas, water backs, Uganda kobs, jackals, some primates like monkeys, and rare antelopes, to mention but a few. Besides wild animals, Pian Upe is also a good bird-spotting destination in Uganda.
Hiking mountains in the Karamoja region
Karamoja region is blessed with different mountains with it and around it. During your visit to the Karamoja region, you can decide to hike some mountains like Mount Moroto which happens to be the highest in the region, mount Kadam, mount Elgon, or Mount Morungole. The hiking experience during your Karamoja region safari is the highlight of it all so during your visit you should make sure at least to include hiking one of the above mountains for the best adventure.
Beautiful sights and views of the Karamoja region
Karamoja has one of the best sceneries to offer with the best sights and views. The landscape of Karamoja region is filled with lined-up mountains, and short savannah grasslands, to mention a few. The sights offered in this region are breathtaking and are worth traveling for.
Birds in Karamoja region
Karamoja region is also blessed with different bird species which add to up to about 465 in total and are worth sporting and ticking some off your birding list. Some of the birds that you should look forward to seeing when you visit Karamoja region include the Karamoja Apalis, and Jackson’s hornbill, to mention a few.
Minerals and resources in the Karamoja region
Apart from all that, the Karamoja region is also blessed with minerals like copper, silver, iron, cobalt, and gold, to mention a few. The gold mined in the Karamoja region is considered to be with the highest purity in the whole world.
Visiting the Karamoja region can be combined with a Kidepo Valley National Park safari, tour, or trip either before or after visiting Kidepo Valley National Park.